Well its been an easy year and I feel very retired - but not old. Buffer is looking well and, apart from replacing a few bits of running rigging, the boat is now ready for next year. The wind vane self steering works well and I've sorted out lights etc, etc. The plan is to lift out around the 29th of Sept and finish off a few bits then plan the route.
Hopefully I'll set off in April. The intention is to sail round the mainland UK on my own but to have open house on route at various stops for day sailing with guests and a bit of walking - using the boat as a base. We'll actually be following some of the track of Tenacity of Bolton ( see her blog) .
If you fancy calling on us then please do. I am sure I'll find a cabin space for old and new friends.
the first leg will be from Wales to Isle of man for a brief stop; Islay via Bangor Northern Ireland. I fancy a tour of a distillery before moving on to Oban and Fort William for a climb of the Ben -where I'll be for about a week. Its then onto Tobermory and a cruise round Mull to Staffa and back to Tob. After that up to Skye and a bit of walking. Things will be weather dependent from there - watch this space.
Friday, August 12, 2011
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